Last week on the blog, I talked about giving yourself permission to say no, to rest when needed, and to shine as your best self. You can read that here if you missed it.

This week, I want to go one step further and give you permission to be loved.

I know that seems obvious, we all deserve love. And yes, of course that’s true.

But, do you really allow it?


For many people, when they were children, love got associated with being “good”, getting good grades, doing what you’re told, or being “nice”. Love came in the form of sugar, money, or a quick pat on the back.

Many people I’ve worked with don’t even know what the truest form of love actually is.

If you’re religious or spiritual, you may have felt love from God/Spirit. If you love nature, you may have felt divine love from the trees, mountains, or the ocean.

That’s the form of love I’m talking about.


So, often I see and feel (when I’m working in the pelvic bowl) how many of us have put up a shield of armor around ourselves (and our pelvic bowls) to protect ourselves from being hurt. We’ve had negative experiences with those who are supposed to love us, so we block all forms of love from us.


What has been helpful for me is to realize that love that has any conditions or requirements attached isn’t really the kind of love we all need anyway.

We need that divine love I talked about earlier and we all deserve to receive it no matter if we are “good” or if we achieve our goals.


One way I recommend remembering what that kind of love feels like is to do daily grounding exercises (learn more here).

Another way is through meditation and prayer.

Mostly, it’s about healing your relationship with yourself so that you can feel worthy of receiving pure love all the time.

Holistic Pelvic Care™ is one of the best ways to connect with yourself if you were assigned female at birth. Click here to learn more. 


My friend, you are worthy of love. Real love in all of its forms. Let’s help you believe it.