Scar Tissue: Why Treatment is Important

Scar Tissue: Why Treatment is Important

Written by our Massage Therapist, Monica Bradley

What do acne, surgery, stretchmarks, cuts and the COVID 19 vaccine injection all have in common?

They all form scars.

I recently took the McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release course and learned a lot about scar tissue.

When a scar is formed it will go through 4 different stages of wound healing.

These are:

  1. Hemostasis:  the blood clots for 1-3 days
  2. Inflammatory: the immune system works to remove debris and bacteria for 1-4 days
  3. Proliferative phase: the wound is rebuilt with new tissue which is formed in random patterns. 
  4. Maturation phase: the wound continues to mature and strengthen

There are 5 types of scars:

  1. Hypertrophic which are raised scars
  2. Atrophic scars lack collagen production and have a hollow look as in acne and stretchmark scars.
  3. Contracture scars have the tissue pulled taught over the scar which is common when you get burned.
  4. Keloid scars are raised aggressive scars that extend beyond the initial incision.
  5. Normotrophic scars are the simplest form of scarring. They are elastic and similar to the surrounding tissue. They are not always active or problematic.

After scars are formed, the new tissue is not as elastic and strong. The scar tissue impedes blood flow to the area and also blocks the lymph from passing through the tissue. This blockage causes the scar tissue to grow, affecting the surrounding tissue by reducing elimination and blocking drainage which creates swelling, joint stiffness and can also block nerve pathways. Mobility is lost and more structures and tissue gets involved throughout the body.

The treatment protocol I learned and am now practicing is easy to apply and gentle on the body. It was created by a Bowen instructor and therefore follows some of the same principles such as “less is more” meaning only 15 min of treatment time will be spent on the scar. This is so that the scar tissue which is weakened does not get aggravated and create more swelling. The pressure is light and the idea is to create more collagen growth around the scar to allow more blood and lymph to be able to clean and drain the area resulting in healthier tissue and so that the scar stops growing and becomes more functional. Often, people will experience different sensations around the scar or in other areas of their body. Greater mobility can be enhanced.

I’m excited to share this technique with anyone who has scars and has decreased mobility or pain, stiffness or swelling. We can do a lot to help your body heal after the initial damage has been done.

Schedule a session with me here

Learn more about Bowenwork here.

What is Tensegrity Medicine?

What is Tensegrity Medicine?

Shared by our Massage Therapist, Monica Bradley

The definition of tensegrity from wikipedia is: “the characteristic property of a stable three dimensional structure consisting of members under tension that are contiguous and members under compression that are not”.

Some examples of tensegrity structures are the Munich Olympic Stadium, the Biosphere, and Denver International Airport. Tension and compression are the forces that make these structures.

In the game of Jenga, I am often surprised by a block that is so easy to move even though it is near the bottom.  Again, tension and compression are involved.

In the human body, our spine is an example of a tensegrity structure. The bones float in the fascial matrix.

When I treat you using the tensegrity principles, I am testing your fascial system to see which structures are out of balance. The muscle that is not contributing to the tension and compression principle is held by a fascial sheath that is too tight for the muscle to fire to its full potential, causing compensation patterns to occur.

I look at any of your muscles that are not firing as the “criminals”-not participating and creating “victims” as the tissue that is overworked, usually sore and often the source of pain that you come in for. The “criminal” tissue is often soft and therefore not drawing attention to needing to be massaged. Most of the effort is spent treating the “victims” which are tight and sore, demanding relief.

However, when the tight muscles get treated, the relief is often temporary as the criminal is still at large, unless it gets some treatment as well. Since the muscle is not firing due to the tension in the fascia, the treatment must be focused on the fascia.

The main goal of the treatment is to create balance 3 dimensionally, so that the pain patterns are alleviated for longer if not forever.

A typical session will start with a fascial test followed by treating the tightest tissue, using the ligaments and having you contract the muscle or by treating the fascial sheath surrounding the muscle directly.

Other bodywork modalities can be mixed in as well. 

You will walk to integrate the system and then another fascial test will be done to see the results and to guide further treatment for a balanced system.

I would suggest a Tensegrity treatment if you are experiencing pain patterns that are chronic and not being relieved by other modalities.

This modality is also helpful for people who are hypermobile and are unable to get relief from stretching.

The other reason is to try Tensegrity is for cost effectiveness. Bodywork is expensive and if the pain is requiring many different treatments for pain management, then a Tensegrity treatment might last longer since the work is targeted on the pain/compensation pattern, therefore saving money in the long run.

Book your Tensegrity session here

Stress and Your Vagus Nerve

Stress and Your Vagus Nerve

Written by our Bowenworker & Massage Therapist, Monica Bradley

In today’s society, stress has become a common state of being and one that many of us deal with on a day to day basis. Especially when COVID first started and the isolation began, we heard a lot more about stress and the effects it was having on our mental and physical health.

Unfortunately, the stress we deal with today is chronic and underlying in our ways of living. We are no longer being chased by the tiger, run to safety and then have time to recover from that experience. Instead, we are caught in traffic, concerned about finances, too busy for play and caught up in the worries of our  planet and safety in going out in the “wild” of society. 

Let’s talk about the effects of stress on the vagus nerve. The word vagus means wandering which is fitting since the vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It is the 10th cranial nerve that leaves the base of the brain, has branches that go to the ears, throat, heart, lungs and down to the digestive tract affecting the organs and digestion. It influences inflammation and unites the body and brain for survival. It is responsible for your heart racing and butterflies in your stomach. It is a key player in the nervous system and affects speech and swallowing.

When we feel stress, the vagus nerve is already in play trying to monitor the state of safety and preparing the body for fight or flight. It is also the player in regulating the body after a stressful situation. But what happens when our stress just becomes internalized and we do not get a chance to deregulate? Our vagus nerve continues to be in action. We may breathe more shallowly. Our gut may become tense which can affect digestion and elimination. Our systems may be more inflamed. Because of the body-brain connection, our mental state may be more anxious and depressed. As this state continues, we no longer even register that we are stressed. This is our new normal.

Not all hope is lost. Singing, humming and gargling are all simple ways to improve vagal tone through vibrations. Breathing exercises can help with the vagus nerve and start to calm the nervous system. Meditation, time in nature and exercise can help reduce stress and calm the mind. Getting massage, acupuncture or some other form of bodywork can help the body to feel more relaxed. Bowenwork, which is a form of fascial work, has direct procedures for treating the vagus nerve and helps to retrain the nervous system so we can start to remember what it feels like to be relaxed. Once our system becomes more familiar with this relaxed state, our response to stress can be changed even if our situation is still stressful.

If you’d like assistance reaching this relaxed state, schedule with me here. I’m also pleased to announce that I’m no in-network with most Regence/Blue Cross healthcare plans. 

Water and Your Fascia

Water and Your Fascia

The importance of water and the fascial system

with Monica Bradley, our Massage Therapist and Bowenworker

Keeping hydrated is an important component in the health of your fascia.

Since fascia is made up of 70% water, it is crucial to keep your body hydrated.

When fascia gets dehydrated it loses the ability to slide and glide against other tissues. It then sticks to other structures and can cause dysfunction and adhesions throughout the matrix. This can cause pain and poor functioning in your body. 

Sometimes your muscles will cramp due to dehydration and a burning pain can be felt if the tissue is creating friction. Because fascia covers of of your bones, muscles, brain, organs and nerves, all systems in your body can be affected by lack of water.

I bet I can guess the next question on your mind:

“How much water should I drink?”

My thoughts are to self analyze the color of your urine. It should be a pale yellow. You are a unique individuals, so how much you sweat, how much you exercise and your own unique system plays a role in hydration. I had to drink more water when I lived in Denver, CO due to elevation and an arid climate.

Often after a bodywork session, you are told to drink more water because your body may be detoxing and water will help flush out toxins. Getting bodywork also uses your body’s water, so you need to replenish your system.

If you are interested in going deeper on the power of water, there is a book called, “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto where he discovered that the molecules of water are affected by thoughts, feelings and words. Inspired, I wrote positive words on the bottom of my water bottle and am grateful that water is my favorite drink. 

Want to learn more about my work with fascia?

Check out this blog.

4 Keys to Setting Healthy Intentions

4 Keys to Setting Healthy Intentions

Written by our new Functional Nutritionist, Peggy Fisher.

Many of us start the new year with resolutions, intentions, or goals in mind – often related to improving our health by eating better or exercising more. Yet these resolutions frequently fall to the wayside after several weeks or months. How do we incorporate healthy habits that “stick”? 

Here are four keys I’ve found helpful in my work with nutrition clients:

Key #1:

Start small and be specific. Creating new habits can be tough, so start with a small specific goal, something that you feel confident you can achieve and maintain. Success in one or two small areas fosters self-confidence and belief that we can achieve additional goals. Small wins over time can therefore lead to lasting, meaningful change. 

As an example, rather than setting a goal of eating healthier, try starting with something more specific and simpler – drinking two glasses of water each morning to start the day hydrated; eating at least one non-starchy vegetable each day; or reducing/eliminating one sugary beverage per day. Once you’ve mastered your initial goal for several months, you can add another. 

Key #2:

Keep it real. There are many fad “diets” and lots of confusing information available. Incorporating a wide variety of real, whole plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds in unprocessed forms is the best approach. Fish and lean meats are also good protein sources. Unless there is an allergy or sensitivity, eating a variety of foods is healthier and more sustainable than diets that restrict certain foods or food groups. A wide variety of plant-based foods also promotes a healthy and diverse microbiome.

Key #3:

Have an accountability partner (or partners). Writing an intention down and sharing it with others helps make it tangible. Set up a regular schedule for checking in, whether it’s a quick text message or a weekly phone call. Share your successes and challenges and cheer each other on. It can be motivating and rewarding for both of you!

Key #4:

Remember that if you have a day or week that doesn’t go as planned – that’s okay. It’s not about being perfect (there is no such thing)! It’s about moving slowly in the right direction and recognizing your achievements. 

Whether your goal is resolving symptoms or simply improving your overall health, I’d be honored to help you in your journey.

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with me here.

An Introduction to Bowenwork

An Introduction to Bowenwork

A blog by our Fascial Bodyworker, Monica Bradley, LMT

What is Bowenwork?

This modality is named after Tom Bowen who created this unique technique in the 1950’s in Australia where he lived. He used a gentle soft tissue stretch and roll over the fascial system that is known to Bowenworkers as a “move”. These moves are followed by a pause or integration period where the fascial system is allowed to reset tension patterns. The moves create vibrations through the fascia sort of like when an insect lands on a spider web and the whole web vibrates with the move of the bug.

Because of the pauses in between moves, multiple people can be treated at the same time. Tom Bowen was able to treat 250 people a week at his clinic and 85 percent of his patients reported resolution of the ailment that they were seeking treatment for. Mr. Bowen never formally taught anyone, but did allow a few people to observe his work in his later years. These observers then created a teaching platform which is now being taught internationally.

Why is Bowen so effective?

Bowen involves treating the fascia. Fascia is a connective tissue that covers the bones, the muscles, holds the organs and encompasses the nerves. It is everywhere in our system and that is why a treatment using Bowen can resolve issues like muscle pain, joint problems, sciatic pain, numbness and tingling, skin issues like eczema, digestive issues, TMJ dysfunction as well as stress.

I deem Bowen as “fascial medicine”. I have found it to be effective in treating body patterns and helps to improve posture without the person having to remember to sit up straight. I find that Bowen can be very helpful for the aging process, giving a new lease on life that has been stifled by poor mobility. People often find that they have more flexibility, bend better, have more energy and sleep better.

Think about how active you were when you were young. Were you ever sore from so much activity? Not typically. There was more elasticity to your fascial system. As we age and get beat up by all the fun we have in life, our system has to compromise for all the injuries that went untreated. Our bodies are amazing at compensating, but sooner or later, we can compensate no more.

This is when we don’t understand why our necks, backs, feet, shoulders, etc start to ache. It is like we are suddenly hurting ourselves while we are sleeping. This is the body’s way of saying, “Hey! I need some care.” We take our cars in for tune ups so it is also beneficial for us to take care of our fascial system seeing how much it involves.

What happens during the pauses between the moves?

This is the fun part! Every person will respond differently and each session can have its own unique experience.

The experience is as diverse as each individual but may include tingling, itching, hot or cold sensations, pain from injuries from the past or present may be highlighted. Some people see colors or memories from the past. Ailments like anxiety can spike. Deep sensations of relaxation can occur. A sense of feeling very light or very heavy is common. Psychedelic experiences may arise. Sleep is often induced as the nervous system is calmed. Sometimes people feel nothing and then questions arise in their mind about what is being done and how could it possibly be effective? I can never predict what will happen to anyone which makes the experience yours to hold.

Because the fascial system will continue to unwind 5-10 days or longer after a session, experiences can occur days out after treatment. An open mind can be beneficial to this experience.

What I do know from my own Bowen journey is that I am now able to bend my knee completely after 4 knee surgeries at age 16 which left me with not being able to bend down to tie my shoes. I am more flexible than I used to be, which does not usually happen as we get older. Old injuries that used to be in pain are gone and I do not get as sore when I ride my 28 mile bike ride to work in the spring after being dormant for the winter months.

Your journey is your own, and I would be excited for you to have your own tales that you can celebrate! 

Schedule Bowenwork with Monica here