How does your day begin?

Do you grab your phone first thing or do you take a little time for yourself first?

If you’re like most people, your phone is next to your bed and it’s the first thing you tap into even before your feet hit the floor.

Here’s some tough love for you: STOP DOING THAT!

When you start your day like this, you’re immediately initiating your fight or flight system (read an article about this here) and you’re bringing in all sorts of energies that don’t even belong to you.

I highly recommend a new way.

Develop your own morning routine.

One of the things that happened to me when the first stay-at-home order began is that I stopped setting an alarm. I got up whenever I pleased and I didn’t go right into the morning routine I’ve practiced for years.

And, the effects starting becoming obvious. I started eating more junk food, I totally bailed on my exercise regimen, and I started letting all the events and opinions of the times get to me.

Finally, I put two and two together and got back to my routine.

Here’s how it goes:

>Wake with an alarm and as Mel Robbins puts it, I blast out of bed like a rocket with a 5-4-3-2-1 GET UP!
>Drink some water, take vitamin D, and get right to meditation. This might be 15-30 minutes depending on what I feel like I need that day.
>Next stop is vislualization, a now proven way to bring your goals to fruition by visioning what it will look and feel like when you get there.
>Then, it’s onto affirmations. These are statements about what I most want in life in the form of things that are already true, like, “I’m so happy and grateful for patients who love me and need my particular form of help”.
>I move from there into some gentle yoga or Pilates for about 10 minutes to stretch and get the blood flowing.
>I end it up with at least 10 minutes of reading personal development books (every minute you read a day equals about 1 book per year–imagine if you read for 10 minutes every day!) and then I journal a bit about what I read.

Even if you have 20 minutes in the morning, you could breathe slowly and quietly for 4, visualize for 2, say affirmations for 1, do one sun salutation, and still have 10 minutes for reading.

Time is the biggest excuse I hear for about every personal change there is. “I don’t have time to cook healthy food, I don’t have time to exercise, I don’t have time to write down my goals, I don’t have time to read” and so on.

Yet these same people are lying in bed on their phones for 30 minutes before they get up.
(Just sayin). 🙂

We make time for what we value.

I value energy and vitality.
I value staying grounded throughout the day.
I value compassionate and caring interpersonal communications.
I value not getting emotionally reactive to difficult situations.
I value having the peace in my body to practice active listening.
I value being fit, strong, and stable.
And I value feeling great!

So, I get up and set up my day so all of that can happen.

If you need more inspiration, check out the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It’s a short and very inspiring read about the power of the morning routine.

What do you value?

What will it take to get there?

Need more help to get your morning routine and other mindset practices into place?

Consider joining my Mindset Foundations course. By the end of the program, you’ll have a rock solid morning routine and so much more!