Mindset shifting is something I do every day for myself, my patients, and my coaching clients.

One of the basics of mindset work is first to understand what kind of mindset you operate under. In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck, Ph.D. introduces us to the concept of Fixed versus Growth Mindsets.


A Fixed Mindset is when you believe your qualities are carved in stone. You might believe you have a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, and a certain character. Those in a Fixed Mindset tend to focus on proving themselves, on proving that what is certain about them is actually the concrete and only truth.

They are constantly evaluating themselves with questions like,

“Will I succeed or fail?”

“Will I look smart or dumb?

“Will I be accepted or rejected?”

Fixed Mindset people tend to play it safe, not taking risks for fear of failure or embarrassment.


On the opposite side, is the Growth Mindset.

When you operate under a Growth Mindset, you believe that your basic qualities are the things that you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies, and from getting help from others.

You believe you can change and grow through application and experience. Growth Mindset people are willing to take risks and make mistakes, because they know whatever happens will present them with an opportunity to learn and grow.

They ask very different questions such as,

“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better?”

“Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them?”

“Why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you?”

Growth Mindset people allow for what is possible and know that a person’s true potential is unknown. They go for it anyway!


So, what type of mindset is the basis for how you operate in the world?

Do you believe that you are “just how you are” and that things “are just this way”?

Or, do you believe things can be different for you?

Do you believe that with the right tools and support, you could change yourself and the course of your life?


What could be possible for you if you had a different mindset?


It’s honestly not that hard to shift your mindset. Once you establish a few new habits and routines and gain a deeper understanding of what mindset it most optimal for you, you can more easily reach your goals and intentions.

If you’re ready to moved from a fixed to growth mindset or you want to up level your current mindset practice, consider my Kick Start Your Mindset mini-course. Through 8 simple lessons, you’ll gain all the tools you need.