Tuning In & Finding Peace

Tuning In & Finding Peace

Written by our Licensed Professional Counselor, Jody Cecil

When sharing their goals with me in session, clients often express their longing for peace. Perhaps they seek respite from symptoms of anxiety or depression. Or they long to feel safe and secure in a world that feels unstable. Many of us believe we’ll experience peace when all stressors are removed, when all problems are solved. However, the reality is that peace comes from within and can be cultivated even in the presence of challenges.

Feeling peaceful means experiencing a state of calm and tranquility, where the mind and body are at ease. It involves a sense of inner harmony and balance, free from stress, anxiety, and disturbances. When we feel peaceful, we can think clearly, make decisions with a calm mind, and manage our emotions effectively. How is it possible to experience peace when we have no control of events or environment around us?

The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute has developed a resource called the Peace Protocol, a five step guide to modulating emotional and physiological arousal and building resilience. I encourage you to check out their one-page document, but here are the steps:

P – Pause what you are doing to briefly identify bodily signals of unrest

E – Embody a somatic resource that feels supportive in your body in this moment

A – Acknowledge the positive effects of the resource

C – Concentrate your attention on the positive effects of the resource for 15 seconds or more

E – Engage with your environment

What makes this protocol somewhat different from practices such as mindfulness or meditation is the focus on savoring the positive effects of the resource or “A”, acknowledging the positive shift in your body. What does this mean? Imagine yourself in a stressful situation. Your body communicates its distress through tension, shortness of breath and a racing heart. You decide to stand up, feel your feet on the ground and lengthen your spine. You then notice yourself breathing more deeply. Your shoulders have dropped, and you feel your heart slowing down. Linger and truly sense into the positive changes. As you do, you’re deepening the experience of peace.

As you practice the Peace Protocol, remember to be gentle with yourself. New practices take time to develop. If you feel you need additional support in finding peace and resourcing, please contact Jody. As a licensed professional counselor trained in the modalities of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Jody specializes in collaborating with her clients to find peace – emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. You can find information about Jody at Taking Root Counseling.