Water and Your Fascia
The importance of water and the fascial system
with Monica Bradley, our Massage Therapist and Bowenworker
Keeping hydrated is an important component in the health of your fascia.
Since fascia is made up of 70% water, it is crucial to keep your body hydrated.
When fascia gets dehydrated it loses the ability to slide and glide against other tissues. It then sticks to other structures and can cause dysfunction and adhesions throughout the matrix. This can cause pain and poor functioning in your body.
Sometimes your muscles will cramp due to dehydration and a burning pain can be felt if the tissue is creating friction. Because fascia covers of of your bones, muscles, brain, organs and nerves, all systems in your body can be affected by lack of water.
I bet I can guess the next question on your mind:
“How much water should I drink?”
My thoughts are to self analyze the color of your urine. It should be a pale yellow. You are a unique individuals, so how much you sweat, how much you exercise and your own unique system plays a role in hydration. I had to drink more water when I lived in Denver, CO due to elevation and an arid climate.
Often after a bodywork session, you are told to drink more water because your body may be detoxing and water will help flush out toxins. Getting bodywork also uses your body’s water, so you need to replenish your system.
If you are interested in going deeper on the power of water, there is a book called, “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto where he discovered that the molecules of water are affected by thoughts, feelings and words. Inspired, I wrote positive words on the bottom of my water bottle and am grateful that water is my favorite drink.
Want to learn more about my work with fascia?
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