The Flourish Way™

Articles & Inspiration to Support Your Mind, Body, And Spirit

Teen Nutrient Tips

Teen Nutrient Tips

Shared by Jen Owen, N.P., the Flourish Nurse Practitioner   This past week, I was treating a teen for some possible nutrient deficiencies. I was looking in Rosemary Gladstar's book, "Herbal Healing for Women", and I was reminded of her wonderful nutrient...

Guest Blog: Nurse Coaching

Guest Blog: Nurse Coaching

Part of our mission here at Flourish is to help nurses start and grow their own businesses. Nursing education is holistic in nature and quite intensive, which makes nurse coaches powerful additions to healthcare teams. We are pleased to help a nurse coaching in...

Tuning Up Your Inner Circuitry

Tuning Up Your Inner Circuitry

Written by our new Emotional Wellness and Alignment Coach, Erin Chourey Welcome friends, colleagues, and comrades! I feel so blessed to be here in this moment, alive and well, writing this first blog to share my new endeavor with you all. We’ve all been through so...

Breakfast for Insulin Resistance

Breakfast for Insulin Resistance

Written by our Medical Assistant in the Flourish clinic, Martine: Hi everyone! Jen has allowed me to write a blog this week to discuss something I’m really passionate about: breakfast! Some of you know this but before I started working for Jen, I was her patient....

The Flourish Way™ Experience

The Flourish Way™ Experience

In the summer of 2021, I had been contemplating a way to bring together all of my knowledge and gifts in a way that I could help more people. I love being a healthcare provider, and what I love the most are the times when I get to help someone overcome whatever is...

The Benefits of Your Annual Physical Exam

The Benefits of Your Annual Physical Exam

Each year, every major insurance plan allows you one Annual Physical Exam included in your plan with no co-pay to you. Are you taking advantage of this helpful benefit? In the past, I haven’t been great about requiring this of my patients. I’ve tried to pack in their...

Could you have a “leaky gut”?

Could you have a “leaky gut”?

In integrative medicine, we consider the gut to be the root of all health. When there's imbalance in the gut, a myriad of symptoms can occur. Most people think of the gut for obvious gut-related symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, heartburn, etc. Most...

Insulin Resistance: The 3 Things You Need to Know

Insulin Resistance: The 3 Things You Need to Know

Insulin resistance is what I call the “pre pre-diabetes” because it’s actually happening in the body before your blood glucose is ever abnormal and you get the diagnosis of pre-diabetes. Watch the video now or read on....#1: What are the symptoms? Some people don’t...

Are You Being a Chameleon?

Are You Being a Chameleon?

It's so easy to change yourself to fit the needs of others or to be who you think others want you to be. It's kind of like being a chameleon. Chameleons change their color to blend in with their habitats. They adapt to the climate around them to be undetected, fit in,...

Ditch the Diet and Try This Instead

Ditch the Diet and Try This Instead

What if instead of setting a weight loss goal, restricting calories, over-exercising, and any other form of self-punishment, you simply asked your body what it wants? When I first starting getting personal and business coaching, this concept was introduced to me....